Marion Cox was not only a friend of the family but of all the community as a whole. I had admired him as a parent most of all. Many will remember of his bravery of a fireman and rescue worker, and that I may add that he was brilliant at. I have the most respect of Marion as a father. You see, Mike & Mark are members of my Boy Scout Troop 10 of Joplin, Missouri. They are the blond head american type of boys that would do anything one would ask if they had not already done it in the first place. It takes a real father to have sons like Mark & Mike to be part of Scouts, Schools and the community as they are. I am proud to be friends and be known of him being the family man he was. When he had time off, it was always helping and being with others, doing what HE wanted along with his family. From taking a 3 day bicycle trip across the plains or getting muddy on mountain bikes in the thick of brush. He would canoe and kayak and do things he enjoyed and involve his family with him. I have that respect for Marion and he will be truly missed.