Wow, its exactly 6 days from the official Christmas day and I am still getting use to writing '11 for the date. And what a year to top all that. The average person would think my situation and feelings would be a "lonely and depressed" holiday. Being a thousand miles from home in a new area, work location and change all around physically, mentally and spiritually I have to throw out that belief and so blessed of whats going on for the holidays 2011. I'am in a newer apartment that is super. I woke up in my apartment to a clean vacumed and febreezed rooms that I can sit at my desk to type on the Mac next to a large window with the sun shining through the blinds just like a scene in a magazine. Work is going good and letting me get through challenges and some growth. The area is great in having everything a person would need (Lots of Starbucks) and I could go on and on. The neat thing is since I've been here, I have not had to say "Life Sucks". Thats a great acomplishment for Lance to go through life and know life is good. Yes there are challenges and "eye rolls" actions going on at work. Yes I have had to spend some money on my car again just to get to work. But today as I write this, my car has new tires and can make it pretty much get in my car and go anywhere and everywhere. This year I have the ability and blessed to be online to order all my gifts to family and friends and they are real gifts. My rent and bills are paid to make life a whole lot easier to cope with. I have Friday through Sunday off this holiday weekend, and will take time to relax, hopefully the weather will stay nice where a walk or two can be done and be able to do some neat cooking. I have never had a Christmas tree in my home in 8 years and have a tree in my living room that I have really enjoyed. So its nice that I don't dread the holiday seasons and I get to make it relaxing and still have been able to spread the Holiday cheer with friends and family.
Happy Holidays and Have a Life is Good 2012!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Recovery from a 60 HR Week
wow....So as most of my readers know that I work overnights for an
fulfillment center and have recently transferred from southeast Kansas to Columbia, SC. During the holiday season or as we say at work "Peak" time is an escalated level of shipping out products from our warehouse meaning managing extra workers and long hours. On top of all this chaos is that here in Columbia, South Carolina is a brand new center getting through the new smell, managers and people. I am not new to 60 hour weeks and high level stress of logistics and tasks needing accomplished an hour ago. But on this day, Friday December 3 2011, making it home around 7 am I soon was asleep and stayed asleep till @ 4pm. Thought I would at least see what the world was up to checking my email, google news, Huffington Post, Facebook and twitter to make sure I didn't miss anything. Oh yea lets not forget I did pee, look out the deck to see what the weather was doing, slurped a bowl of corn flakes and yes...went back to bed. I wake back up at 10pm...this time starving and need to get up, ordered Dominoes watched some cheesy cable shows, a bit of VH1 That Metal Show and now wishing I didn't sleep so much being wide awake at 3 am. My clothes are on my floor, coffee cups and cereal bowls are still in the sink, my shower towel from Thursday is still on the bathroom floor and shaving cream and the blade I used still on the counter. Also still spots on the mirror and the shower curtain not closed. The results is that this is the most relaxed and recovered I have felt in a long time. Yes, Life is Good :-)
fulfillment center and have recently transferred from southeast Kansas to Columbia, SC. During the holiday season or as we say at work "Peak" time is an escalated level of shipping out products from our warehouse meaning managing extra workers and long hours. On top of all this chaos is that here in Columbia, South Carolina is a brand new center getting through the new smell, managers and people. I am not new to 60 hour weeks and high level stress of logistics and tasks needing accomplished an hour ago. But on this day, Friday December 3 2011, making it home around 7 am I soon was asleep and stayed asleep till @ 4pm. Thought I would at least see what the world was up to checking my email, google news, Huffington Post, Facebook and twitter to make sure I didn't miss anything. Oh yea lets not forget I did pee, look out the deck to see what the weather was doing, slurped a bowl of corn flakes and yes...went back to bed. I wake back up at 10pm...this time starving and need to get up, ordered Dominoes watched some cheesy cable shows, a bit of VH1 That Metal Show and now wishing I didn't sleep so much being wide awake at 3 am. My clothes are on my floor, coffee cups and cereal bowls are still in the sink, my shower towel from Thursday is still on the bathroom floor and shaving cream and the blade I used still on the counter. Also still spots on the mirror and the shower curtain not closed. The results is that this is the most relaxed and recovered I have felt in a long time. Yes, Life is Good :-)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Here's to the Crazy Ones
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine.
They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine.
They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
are the ones who do.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
I owe my open thinking to the innovations of Steve Jobs today. I am sad like others of his passing but sad and concerned if we are able as a society to keep raising the bar in innovation and upward thinking towards the way we live today. I am not a young college student with my life ahead. As a 48 year old, I still yearn to leave some sort of legacy. May not be as world like legacy as Jobs did, but one my son and friends would be proud of and I owe that to leaders like Steve Jobs.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Apple 4s announcements and What Do We Do Now?

So watching todays live blog coverage of the new apple iPhone announcement brought some excitement, confusion and disappointment all in one. I felt Apple spent 90% of the presentation is a repeat of the last event describing IOS5. It also took apple over 20 minutes to give updates on sales and numbers. They did spend the last 30 minutes of the 90+ minute event describing "Siri" app describing a voice activated command app. Many of these apps and software is out and all not 100% effective unless you practice your voice in it and use it often or it will lose the pattern and tone of your voice if not used actively like all other voice command software. Not really hearing people ask or demand for voice activated assistance to help with everyday tasks. I was a bit confused about why Apple is making a big deal about it. But we all know that Apple can bring a unique solid design device and will be a stable operating device. I still don't think Apple needs to rest on their competition. Speaking of that, I noticed that CEO Tim Cook compared the IOS and the phone comparing to the "Android" operation in which the past events have always mention to "the competition". So bottom line, a Free iPhone 3g, a $99 Iphone4 and $199 iPhone 4s are still affordable prices that gives a whole lot of phone. Again, as much as an Apple fan and user I am, they do not need to sit back because "competition" is sneaking up on them to share more percentages of the market in all devices.
Saturday, October 01, 2011 Working Conditions News Articles

So in the last few weeks, news articles have been sprouting up about harsh working conditions in Amazon warehouse facilities (fulfillment centers). This past summer, the whole country witnessed more than usual high temperatures. Now let me give you a picture of a warehouse. They are around a million square feet with ceilings heights of I'm guessing a 100 feet at least. The whole building made of concrete and steel and machinery, storage racks and bins everywhere. packing stations, receiving and shipping docks, and 60 - 70 miles of conveyor belts everywhere all in a chaotic organized way. Yes in the summer the temperatures does get sometimes above 110 degrees and yes the pay is $4 - $5 per hour more than fast food or Wal-Mart. When getting hired. one would work for a local temp agency then after meeting certain guidelines then may be converted to become an Amazon.Com associate that are blessed with benefits I've not seen or heard of any other company for entry warehouse workers. The main guideline to become an Amazon associate is attendance and being at work on time. That is the top reason an temp worker does not get converted. 2nd reason is not able to meet required times on tasks.( which are I feel minimum standards to meet if one wants a job.)
I am coming up on my 2nd year as an associate. in ALL their work places provided ice cold water bottles in ice chests @ 1 every 75-100 feet in the facilities. 20 minute breaks in air conditioned break rooms @ every 2 hours. gatorade, fresh fruit and popsicles were provided starting June 1st. Clear water bottles are allowed on the work floor with associates. Work out stretching was enforced before the shift and after returning from lunch. Heat weather tips and education were distributed daily from the corporate safety department on how to treat your body during the heat. Safety associates were on hand in all departments. The work consists of many different tasks performed to get the packages to the customers. The beginning is stowing or stocking the items in 10 - 20 million "bin locations" throughout the warehouse. The other would be Picking the items through miles and miles of bins (sort of like walking down library isles of shelving and bins) to send items to the packaging department. This job is compared to shopping at like Wal-Mart in a brisk - not quite a speed walking walk, filling your cart with items that appear on your order scanner. A "quota" time is required to pick and that equals out to 1 1/2 items per minute. Next time you go shopping see how many items you pick up in a minute. And yes, you may be putting in to sometimes 6-8 miles of walking per shift and during holiday season can go up to 10-12 miles per shift. The other jobs include putting an item in a box, sealing it and placing on a conveyor belt.
I am 48 years old, 250+ lbs male and had no heat issues. Uncomfortable at times? yes but bearable. We soon had a "portable "air condition system installed in July to cut down the humidity. We have always had fans at least every 20-30 feet in each facility where possible. I am a proud employee of and plan on being there forever. I received bonuses in 2010 and receiving them this year because of production and keeping operational costs minimum where many companies did not issue bonuses.
The reports and news articles I have been seeing on this issue were reporters interviewing temp workers that would rather stay home, collect their unemployment and play video games. Toughen up America.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What Lance Thinks
![]() |
Ipad Starting at $499 |
So today Im getting hit from everywhere, on Facebook, Twitter, Texts and eMails about what I think of the new Amazon Kindle Tablets introduced. The questions have been if it is going to kill Apple iPad or is it going to put Amazon out of business.
I have to put my guess and opinion to no on both of those questions.
Now this is me talking about it when I still do not have an iPad. But I have researched it and kept up with the updates. The first thought I had when seeing the description of the Kindle Fire is it is more of a media reader with a browser and of course along android tablet. What impresses me is that Amazon came out with their own browser Silk and they are pushing how fast it will work on the Kindle Fire.
So bottom line is that the iPad is a "Computer" tablet and the Kindle Fire is a "media" and of course it's successful eReader capabilities. The Kindle Fire is described from Jeff Bezos's presentation is that you can browse the web, the social networks, your email and of course Amazon's MP3, movies, books and of course everything from a to z that Amazon offers. I'm still new to the cloud technology but very soon it will be in everyones tech vocabulary to work with.
The Kindle Fire, I don't think, was made to Produce content but to receive and store content. It does have a USB 2.0 slot and does state it receives most file formats including jpeg and mp3. With it not having a camera of any type, I am also not seeing or it being pushed a built in photo app to show pics but Im guessing the Amazon Android app store will have plenty apps to view photos.
So the question, which would Lance buy? Though the iPad would be cool to have and and its built in apps make items like email and contacts an ease to get to and finally would be easier to produce content if needed to and it is on my buying list. Noticing my technology habits lately, I'm either on Facebook, Twitter, email, surfing the web, on my Kindle or of course on the iPhone. I'm not seeing myself "producing" as much content such as videos and pictures like I use to. The price of the Kindle fire meets my value budget versus paying for the iPad. However, if I were in a mobile career where content would need to be produced and uploaded/emailed to the web or server would for sure rely on the iPad. It really depends on your lifestyle which one is needed.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Making financial decisions work
So today the iPhone and me are at the library for internet connection and need to stop staring at the walls at the apartment. My monthly spending is doubled right now due to gas costs as it has effected everyone. To purchase a newer car with better gas milage costs are not putting me in a advantage either from adding a car payment and a newer car would increase my insurance premium. This also does not count the upfront costs of purchasing a car of a downpayment, 2-3 insurance premiums upfront, tags and sales tax upfront would strain my other bills at this time and would force to play catch up for the next following months.
Mind you, I have no cable or internet connection at home or other extra luxuries like that. In my life time I do not see myself getting cable or satellite because TV is so pathetic. My hats off to Netflix, Amazon streaming to establishing videos on demand. They are starting to say goodbye to the pathetic TV and cable networks that give you nothing but reruns, cheesy advertising and corporate control news coverage.
I am assisting my son to go to college and it is very important I do that. Work is not giving out much overtime like they usually do but glad I do have full time employment with benefits. I am proud that I do not use and I forbid the use of credit cards to "make ends meet".
So, the solution is join everyone else and just make it work.
Mind you, I have no cable or internet connection at home or other extra luxuries like that. In my life time I do not see myself getting cable or satellite because TV is so pathetic. My hats off to Netflix, Amazon streaming to establishing videos on demand. They are starting to say goodbye to the pathetic TV and cable networks that give you nothing but reruns, cheesy advertising and corporate control news coverage.
I am assisting my son to go to college and it is very important I do that. Work is not giving out much overtime like they usually do but glad I do have full time employment with benefits. I am proud that I do not use and I forbid the use of credit cards to "make ends meet".
So, the solution is join everyone else and just make it work.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday and Sunny Days
So most people are all blah and whiney on Mondays but it is actually my day off so I really don't look at it that way. But its been important that I either be productive for Lance on these days. This Monday is sunny but a cool 43 degrees. I'am visiting Ane Mae's Cafe to get a Blueberry muffin, sweet tea and internet connection. So i've miscalculated my money budget balance and ended up with less than I thought I had and recalculating my living budget to last me till Friday morning which is payday. Im really blessed that I have groceries and lunches to last me Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So fuel has gone up to $3.45 per gallon here in Independence and work has called mandatory overtime this week at work. So there is a positive that I have some overtime but a negative a real tight crunch to make it the 30 mile round trip 3 days this week till payday rather than 2 days. I know I ought to invest in a more economical car but the upfront cash is just not there right now and I can get along with what I have. My rent, utilities and cell phone bill are all paid up so really nothing to be stressed about at this point. So my Monday-Day-Off-Productivity-List is consisting of accomplishing this blog, a deep clean/febreeze of the apartment and acomplish some reading of something today. And of course jsut some "Veg-Out" relaxation today.
To all of you having a blah Monday....Get Happy Now! ... and you wont be Blah!
To all of you having a blah Monday....Get Happy Now! ... and you wont be Blah!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday Morning Coffee and Things
So Its Saturday morning filled with drizzle and a hazy sky. Im enjoying a mocha at Ane Maes a few blocks from the apartment and doing some email and Mac work. Today is my Friday for work and it's been a low key week at work but seems like its been a long week. I attempted to use some things from the Deliver Happiness Book I read last week and continue to improve on some of those principals. Anyway, I awoke like 2 hours earlier than I usually do and hope Im not dragging tonight. Im really wanting to get alot accomplished at work and end the week on a good note. I have a 50+ hour week in the next two weeks and look forward to the OT checks. I should be getting the feedback from my promotion interviews at the end of next week and looking forward to hearing the results. My next couple of days off is pretty much attending Church in Caney (since finding out about there is going to be a fellowship dinner), getting caught up with some cleaning and laundry and ready to go back to work Tuesday night. Really nice that no burdens or pressure is bugging me and nice to be in a peaceful state of mind.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Delivering Happiness
So Its been a while that not only I sat and read a book but actually finished it and finished it in 2 days. The book of delivering happiness shares some similar stories that Ive experienced and just overcoming that "bored" with life feeling also. The teachings of values are not only for business but for self values also to live by. Im excited to join the Happiness Movement of Inspire and be inspired.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Getting into 2011
Wow I have not realized its been so long since I've posted on the blog. So odd numbered years have put a fear in me because in the past, they (odd numbered years) have not been as fortunate and was always dramatic negatively. So Im taking this year head on. I spent 2010 stabilizing myself personally and financially. It was successful that I had moved and started with a clean slate in Independence, Kansas. 2011 has started out strong for me in the sence financially Im making it strong for me
I did have a week already this year that it might be a good idea and a big move for me to buy a car. After finding difficulty on getting financing, I soon realized, I didn't need the extra car payment and other expenses that did not come with it. So, through the next few months will be focusing on making the Blazer last as long as it can. Autos have always not been a favorite need but I guess we do need it to make it to work.
When I stick to my original plan that I had last June when moving to Independence, that I pay my bills, I go to work and Work hard, it seems life remains simple for me and there is no drama to bring me down. It has been a while that I've felt the confidence that I have in everything. So the saying we all here all the time...Keep life simple and Life will be simple back.
I did have a week already this year that it might be a good idea and a big move for me to buy a car. After finding difficulty on getting financing, I soon realized, I didn't need the extra car payment and other expenses that did not come with it. So, through the next few months will be focusing on making the Blazer last as long as it can. Autos have always not been a favorite need but I guess we do need it to make it to work.
When I stick to my original plan that I had last June when moving to Independence, that I pay my bills, I go to work and Work hard, it seems life remains simple for me and there is no drama to bring me down. It has been a while that I've felt the confidence that I have in everything. So the saying we all here all the time...Keep life simple and Life will be simple back.
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